How to Coach a Student with AI 🧞‍♂️


DC Teaching


Things I've been paid to do

ICF-Certified Life & Engagement Coach

Corporate trainer

Podcast producer/host

EdTech Consultant



Education Grant Reviewer

Education/Coaching/Psychology Professor

I help people find meaning the midst of turbulent change. 🚢

What are the top two emotions of the modern student?

Nervous and excited

What you're in for

🚀 How generative AI works (and how it doesn't)

🚀 How to help students figure out their "why"

🚀 The basics of prompt engineering

🚀 How to develop your personalized AI toolkit

What do I need to know about Generative AI?

AI is algorithmic.

Algorithm: a set of instructions

"Write an essay about Romeo and Juliet in 5 paragraphs."

"Do the steps in this math problem."

"Make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich."

Learning is creative 🎨

Creativity: something new and useful in a sociocultural context (Plucker, et al., 2016)

(and it's one of our core values!)

ChatGPT, write a poem like Ada Limon...

I felt nothing.

"Not very creative."

AI can create, but it is not creative. It has no context unless humans provide it.

"But wait, why would I do that?" 😮

Humanize the parts of the process you love; outsource the parts you don't. 🤗

For students, teachers, administrators and everyone else, too.

When you feel pain, I feel it, too.

Humans learn through experience; AI learns through text.

Empathy is the ability to accurately perceive others internal states and to have affective responses to them (Fuchsman, 2015).

Intuition: a sense of knowing without knowing how one knows.

"The energy in the room just changed. What do you make of that?"

"What you just said resonated so deeply with me. What's true for you?"

What will students crave in an AI-powered world?

  • Coming up with original ideas
  • Sharpening their moral and ethical compass
  • Understanding what their emotions are telling them
  • Embracing vulnerability and incompetence
  • Creating and guiding communities
  • Genuine human warmth
  • Personal connection

Let's make a course syllabus come alive

Students want to know their "why"

Objective: get AI to tell you about your core values without telling it any of your values.

Hint: if you're not sure how to do this, ask ChatGPT.

Zia's technique for Core Values

How might this help when coaching students?

And... what do you want to learn?

Let's use AI to assist in coursework

"GPT, ask me at least 3 clarifying questions before moving on."


When AI makes up information; use your human brain

That time AI made my wife cry 😢

I help non-profit organizations create impactful public policy changes by leveraging my strategic thinking and strong work ethic, along with my ability to build and maintain strong relationships. I do it because I believe in the power of empathy-led advocacy to bring about meaningful change for those in need.

Awareness of resonance

AI is generative. Ask your client what resonates.

Let's use AI like an intern

Pick a task (make sure to iterate)

  1. A student needs a study plan
  2. A student says "I don't know" when you ask what their goals are
  3. A student is applying for jobs and wants to use their coursework knowledge to prepare
  4. A student feels overwhelmed between extracurriculars and coursework
  5. A student wants to prepare for an exam

Create your own toolset


The Magic is in YOU 🪄

Want more? 👏

I do workshops, keynotes, and consulatations.

These slides are available at

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